Elena Costelian

Panorama-Sainte-Victoire-vue-Ă -partir-du-village-de-Puyloubier-Salle-des-mariages-marie-de-Puyloubier
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Live and work in Marseilles

RĂ©sidence : Vineyard of Saint-Ser, Puyloubier (France)

Exposition(s) : Exhibition until 31th october 2014

••• Website of the artist

Residencies 2014

Panorama Sainte-Victoire

Elena Costelian explores with " Panorama Sainte-Victoire " an icon of the Provençal landscape. Having collected the testimonies of those who live to the everyday life with this mountain, the artist proposes us a return through alternative tape guides which reveal to the user a multiplicity of unpublished and intimate points of view.

This discovery comes along with an invitation in the wandering to discover other visual expressions of this common memory (use of a smartphone is recommended).

Thanks: Christiane Capus, André Guinieri, Alberto Paolin, Marco Troussier, Firmin Jacquet, Gilles Cheylan, Nicolas Vialle, Xavier Nicolle, Agathe Fakiri, the Natural history museum of Aix-en-Provence, Puyloubier photoclub, Grand Site sainte-Victoire, Vincent, Sébastien, Mamed, Mathieu Leonard and all people working on the vineyard of Saint-Ser as well as all the inhabitants of Puyloubier.